dhi hair


about dhi

hair transplant

Welcome to Istanbulhair, where we consider DHI hair transplantation not just as a procedure, but as an art form to restore your natural beauty. Our commitment to excellence and innovation makes your DHI experience at Istanbulhair unique and successful.

Our DHI Approach

Blood Collection for Successful Treatment:

We start with careful blood sampling, both in the Netherlands and in Turkey, to ensure that your DHI treatment is a success.
This step lays the foundation for a flawless operation and optimal results.

2. ICE Grafts for Long Lasting Result:

At Istanbulhair we use ICE Grafts, a unique method in which the grafts are kept cool. This means that the transplanted hairs have a longer life than normal, resulting in a permanent transformation.

3. DHI with Lines Technique:

Our DHI treatment starts with the precise lining technique. You determine the desired result. We take into account the muscle line, which plays a crucial role, and sometimes this limits us in the low. Your satisfaction comes first.

4. Hair Transplant Filling from 500 Grafts:

In addition to DHI, we offer hair transplant filling, starting from 500 grafts. Request a free consultation to discuss the options and explore your wishes.

5. Free Consultation Including Hair Scan:

What can you expect from our free consultation? A thorough hair scan to accurately analyze the donor area and a comprehensive pre- and aftercare plan. Your comfort and satisfaction are our priority

About DHI Hair Transplant

DHI, an advanced transplant method, is performed at Istanbulhair with the latest technologies and Blade DHI on ICE Grafts.
Under local anesthesia, hair follicles are individually removed from the donor area and transplanted directly into the desired area.
No stitches required, minimal wound size. The optimal result will be revealed after 7 to 12 months, during which your natural hair growth will be restored.

DHI Method in Detail

With the DHI method, our doctors remove hair roots from the insensitive donor area and then transplant them one by one into the desired area.
The hair roots are extracted with a tiny hollow needle of 0.6/0.8 mm, and small incisions are made for a natural-looking result. Choose Istanbulhair,
where expertise, innovation and care come together to make your hair transformation a success.

our method

with the

dhi method

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Step 1: Sign off

The operation goes as follows. A medical team led by a Dutch BIG registered doctor.
We first consult with you about what shape you want and then we draw the desired shape.

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Step 2: Anesthesia

A DHI hair transplant is always performed under local anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain during the operation. After the procedure, mild after-pain may occur temporarily.

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Step 3: Collect the follicles

The grafts are removed from the safe donor area. Through years of experience, our doctors know how to select the optimal donor area for you. We select only the best quality Grafts that will not fall out for the rest of your life.

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Step 4: Implanting grafts

The micro incisions are then made in the receiving area in which the hairs are placed. After making the incisions in the recipient area, the Grafts are replaced.

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Step 5: Result

Because we shave your hair during the DHI hair transplant, no evidence of the operation is visible since your existing hair covers the bald spots. We ensure the best results by providing the correct aftercare and recommending the correct medication.

Difference DHI compared to other techniques

The big difference with other hair transplant techniques is the special, developed equipment that directly harvests and implants the grafts. In addition, it is not necessary to shave your entire head, just parts of donor areas. This technique ensures that a hair transplant can be performed more efficiently.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of the DHI method?

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) provides a natural look and maximum hair density. The risk of scarring in the recipient area is minimal with DHI because no channels need to be created. There is also no bleeding in the implantation phase. The risk of crust formation is therefore very low. Due to less damage to the scalp, recovery is faster with the DHI technique.

What are the disadvantages of the DHI method?

The biggest disadvantage of the DHI method is that the procedure takes longer, meaning that a maximum of 3000 grafts can be transplanted during one session. While with the FUE method the maximum is 4500 Grafts.

Can the DHI hair transplant be applied to every patient?

If the patient has previously had FUE treatment elsewhere one or more times, the DHI method can no longer be applied in the area that was previously treated, because the chance of success of the treatment decreases significantly. The guarantee scheme expires completely when the patient explicitly chooses the DHI method and accepts the low success rate. Moreover, it can be decided during the procedure to deviate from the DHI method and switch to the FUE method. The reason for this is that an area previously treated with the FUE method is no longer flexible enough and the harvested Grafts can no longer be implanted in the skin with the DHI Implant.

Is the DHI method suitable for both men and women?

The DHI method is suitable for both men and women. The suitability for a hair transplantation is assessed based on medical factors and the quality of your donor area. Your gender has no influence on this. The DHI method is very suitable for women, as the hair does not need to be shaved. Only the donor area is trimmed to remove the grafts can select and extract.

I suffer from eczema or have problems with my skin, can I be treated with the DHI method?

If your problems and/or condition are under control, treatment can be provided. During the consultation Our dermatologist can assess your skin condition. Based on that one is possible treatment plan is drawn up.

How long does a DHI hair transplant take?

The duration of the DHI procedure depends on the amount of hair follicles you need and the degree of hair loss. A patient with a small amount of hair loss may only need a short session lasting approximately 3-4 hours, while for 3000 Grafts you should expect approximately 6 hours.

When can I have my hair dyed after a DHI hair transplant?

You can have your hair dyed again 8 weeks after the treatment.

Will I get a scar after a DHI hair transplant and what complications can arise?

Do not scratch the treated and donor area, especially not in the first month after surgery hair transplant. This slows down the healing process, causes scarring and then new hair growth no longer possible in that location.
Complications are rare with a hair transplant. Possible complications include:
An infection. You will receive advice to minimize the risk of this happening. Then an infection occurs hardly before.
An allergic reaction to the local anesthetic. This almost never happens.
A 'numb' feeling in the area where the hair has been removed. This is annoying, but can't hurt. It will go away on its own after a few weeks.
Swelling of the forehead. This can especially happen if hairs have been transplanted to the front of the head. Sometimes the face also swells. The swelling will subside naturally after a few days.
Ingrown hairs. This will pass on its own.