about FUE
hair transplant
FUE Hair Transplant is a well-known but effective transplant method. By using microscopic instruments (maximum 0.55 to 0.70 mm in diameter), the hair follicles are removed one by one from the donor area and transplanted into the bald / balding zone. This is performed under local anesthesia and we work with Blade FUE on ICE Grafts. The wound is barely larger than a wound from an injection, so stitches are unnecessary. Some of the transplanted hairs will fallout, but after a few months the result will be clearly visible. The optimal result will be achieved after 7 to 12 months.

fue method
With the FUE method, the doctor removes the hair roots from the hair crown at the back of the head. This hair ring is also called the donor area and is provided with hairs that are insensitive to the hormone that causes hereditary hair loss. One by one, these hair roots are removed (extracted) with a tiny hollow needle of 0.6/0.8 mm. Small incisions are then made in the bald or balding area where the hairs are then replaced.
our method
with the
fue method
Step 1: Sign off
Before we start the treatment, the doctor will discuss with you which area we will focus on. The doctor will discuss the intended result with you, so that the treatment will exactly meet your wishes. The doctor determines how many Grafts are needed for the desired effect.

Step 2: Anesthesia
To ensure that the treatment is completely painless, the doctor will give you a local anesthetic. This means you will not experience any pain during the process. You will remain conscious during the procedure, so you can quickly return home (under supervision).

Step 3: Collect the follicles
The Grafts are removed from the safe donor area. Through years of experience, our doctors know how to select the optimal donor area for you. We select only the best quality Grafts that will not fall out for the rest of your life. The Grafts are stored in a special nutrient medium, which keeps them vital.

Step 4: Implanting grafts
In order to place hair roots, the doctor must open the channels correctly. The doctor then implants the hair roots into the opened canals of the recipient area. Our experienced doctor specializes in FUE hair transplantation and knows exactly how to achieve the best end result.

Step 5: Result
After the treatment, our doctor will explain in detail what aftercare is required for full recovery. We will go through all the steps with you and give you useful tips to take optimal care of your scalp. After the treatment, the hair first falls out, after which it starts to grow again. The treatment does not leave scars in the transplant area.

All of this is done with extreme precision, so that the transplanted hairs ultimately have a natural growth direction. All hair root groups (grafts) are transferred, or transplanted, to the desired location on the head without stitches.
The hair follicles on the hair crown at the back of the head are immune to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is responsible for baldness. The hair roots from the donor area (the hair ring) simply continue to grow in the place where they were transplanted. At the back of the head, the hair roots can produce hair again, but in many cases a tiny white spot (scar) will be visible.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can the results of my hair transplant treatment continue?
How quickly can I expect results?
How can I care for my (implanted) hair after the micro FUE hair transplant?
Am I suitable for a hair transplant?
Will I get a scar after the micro FUE hair transplant and what complications can arise?
1. A 'numb' feeling in the area where the hair has been removed. This is annoying, but can't hurt. It will go away on its own after a few weeks.
2. Swelling of the forehead. This can especially happen if hair has been transplanted to the front of the head. Sometimes the face also swells. The swelling will subside naturally after a few days.
3. Ingrown hairs, but this will go away on its own.