Online Hair Scan

In the online hair scan we ask you to upload photos. This way we can see which area you would like to have treated. You don’t necessarily have to show your face. Based on the data from the hair scan, we make an initial assessment and see if we can help you. We will then contact you and schedule the first appointment for the free consultation.

    Upload photos

    Instructions for uploading photos

    Take a photo of the front view
    Upload file here*

    Take a photo of the left side
    Upload file here*

    Take a photo of the right side
    Upload file here*

    Take a photo of the top view
    Upload file here*

    Take a photo of the back side
    Upload file here*

    Indicate which areas you want to treat:

    Which areas do you want to treat?*

    Which areas do you want to treat?

    Multiple options possible

    Additional medical information:

    Do you have diabetes?*

    Do you suffer from low or high blood pressure?*

    Are you taking blood thinners?*

    Do you have an immune disease? (HIV, Hepatites B, Hepatites C)?*

    Do you suffer from cardiovascular disease and/or a heart rhythm disorder?*

    Have you had a hair transplant treatment before?*

    You are done!
    Success! Click submit to submit your online hair scan.